Sunday, November 6, 2011

Incubation Day 20

Well tomorrow is the big day Day 21.  they are suppose to hatch tomorrow, and god please let them hatch tomorrow, this waiting is physically starting to make me hurt.  I can't handle it any more.  Then I have another 7 days tomorrow to wait for the first two duck eggs to hatch.

Now the first incubation try so far has been successful because the 3 eggs I had to take out of the incubator were not fertile so they would not have hatched anyway.  All the eggs that were fertile have grown.

Right now I have a list of eggs that are suppose to hatch.

Joey the chicken egg tomorrow
Bay Bay chicken egg tomorrow

Molly duck egg due the 14th
Baby the duck egg due the 14th

Emma the duck egg due the 23rd
Joey the duck egg due the 23rd

We have 7 more eggs but I won't really know if they are fertile until probably tomorrow.  I am pretty sure that one is but not the rest.  I have at least 5 baby ducks the fifth duck is due the 30th and hasn't been named yet.  If the are not the sex for there name I will have to rename them.

I hope I have pictures to post tomorrow, or pictures of something to post tomorrow even if it is just a peep hole in the egg.

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