Sunday, March 25, 2012


Well we have been upgrading the last couple of days and it has been a lot of work and very tiring.  Here are some of the new upgrades.  We are still working on finishing the upgrades but these are done.

The Muscovy Pen.  

The pen for the chickens and ducks that are mixed

The fence that will stop them from going to the pig pen

Oreo (Black duck) his tail is finally curling and his mate.

Our new rooster Freckles

Skunky is growing up

Our only baby Quail that hatched out, it's name is Uno.

3 baby chicks

The Mucovy pen is really long and they fly in it but it has a net over it.

Oreo, Aflac, Marshmellow ( yellow puff head), the blue one is not named yet.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


On March 8, 2012 we had our little Skunky hatch out.  With Oreo we were saying a crow got in the duck house and crossed with the duck, but now we are laughing because a skunk got in to the duck house and crossed.

Skunky will be a white duck with a blue or grey stripe down his back.  He also has blue or grey spots on his head.  On his feet the middle toe on each foot has a blue stripe on them.